I hiked to Hollywood Sign for the first time in 2021 because I wanted to start the new year with a new experience. I didn’t feel like watching the first sunrise, so I started around 10 am.
I didn’t have a chance to go there when I lived in LA previously, so when my colleague and her mother came to Los Angeles about three years ago, I tried to hike to the Hollywood Sign. Less than 5 minutes after I started climbing, my colleague’s mother was satisfied with the view and we left. The route I took this time starts much closer to the sign and I could have given her a much better view had we started here.

This course is recommended for those who want to come to Los Angeles and see the Hollywood Sign but do not have a lot of time or are not confident in their physical fitness to hike. First, go to Lake Hollywood Park and park at Canyon Lake Dr. The hike starts around the intersection of Canyon Lake Dr and Innsdale Dr, so parking as far north of Canyon Lake Dr as possible will further reduce your walking distance. The Innsdale Trailhead on the map is the starting point.

Note that the slope from Lake Hollywood Park to the Innsdale Trailhead was quite steep.
The hiking trail entrance is shown below.

From here on, a relatively flat road continues. If you don’t have time to hike to the sign, or if you’re not confident in your fitness, you’ll be happy with the photos taken from the middle of this flat road.

After passing here, you will reach a residential area. If you turn left, the hiking trail will continue along the road. Be sure to note where the trail joined the road so you remember it when you hike down.
The weather was fine on this day, but when you look in the direction of downtown, it looks a little smoggy. Even though the traffic is less than at peak times on the day I hiked, the day after it rains may be a good way to get a clearer view of downtown.

Go a little further along the hike and you will see Burbank in the Valley, on the other side of downtown.

There was sign along the way showing the various trails. If you start from the Griffith Observatory in Griffith Park, it will be a longer hike.

Approximately an hour after I started walking from the car, I finally saw the Hollywood sign up close.

The fence keeps us away from the sign, but it’s impressive to see the iconic Hollywood sign and the views of Los Angeles, where I’ve lived for years.

I feel like going to a brewery after the hike and having lunch with beer, but it’s quite difficult with COVID. Once the pandemic is in the past, I definitely want to do this. It takes about one and a half to two hours for a round trip, so be sure to bring water with you. Even in winter, if the sunlight is strong, you will sweat. It is good exercise.